- Consider really well before placing your order with us. We want to avoid problems with unpaid or cancelled orders.
- Fill out all the necessary information on the form completely.
- Price of items at HMV/Yesasia (YA) will be converted to RM according to EON Bank's forex rate and the price of items are subject to change according to the forex rate.
- Do not send us any money until we ask you for payment.
- FULL payment is to be made by the deadline stated on top before we place your order on YA.
- If you fail to settle your payment by the specified date, your order will be brought forward to the next order placement date, which is most likely a month later.
- You can request for an exchange from YA if you find any defects in your item(s). YA allows exchange of item(s) within 14 days. Contact YA for exchange details.
- We will not be responsible for damaged item or lost item shipped directly from HMV/YA or caused by handling of HMV/YA. Kindly inform us after you have received your item(s).
- Price of items from HMV doesn’t include shipping fee. Please refer to their shipping rates.
- *If you have paid us more than the amount of your item(s) during bank deposit, we will either return the balance to you together with your item(s) during collection (posting /meet-up) or use it for your next purchase.
- *We will only place your order on YA after we have achieved the minimum amount of US$39 worth of orders.
- **There is no min. amount of orders, but you have to bear shipping charges (if applicable). For total orders worth more than US$39 from Yesasia (excluding 10% service fee), YA provides free shipping. We will also arrange for direct shipping from YA/HMV to you.
- **For orders from HMV, there is no minimum amount of orders, but you have to pay for shipping. We will also arrange for shipping directly from HMV to you.
- **We only accept MYR currency. Check with your local bank or agent for the foreign exchange rate.
- **You are not entitled for purchase of our side items.
- Lastly, thank you for taking some time to read this. =D
** Only applicable to International orders.